

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Warning: there may be SPOILERS in this post.
SkyScreening 1k view celebration: 5 stellar TV scenes
Things have been busy for me so I apologize for the inconsistency regarding blog posts. This week happens to be midterm week and I figured it would be the perfect time to procrastinate.
In celebration of hitting 1k, I have assembled 5 fantastic scenes from TV shows I frequently watch.
Note: these are not my 5 favorite. 3 of my favorites are unsuitable to be posted. All of the unsuitable scenes are from HBO's Girls (already reviewed). Should you wish to view them AT YOUR OWN RISK, one is a dance scene and the other involves characters shouting "you are the wound." I will let you figure out what to type into Google. Both videos contain spoilers and profanity, nothing more than that. The third I will keep a secret for now! It will be showcased at the proper time! I am not responsible for your reactions to any of the videos.
Anyway, please enjoy these scenes. I will try to give a little description without revealing too much... if you hate spoilers for any of the following shows, leave now. The shows featured are: Skins, Smash, Scrubs, Sex and the City, and The Newsroom.
5. Bollywood number from Smash: The music in Smash is always great but this clip can only be described by one word... strange. Smash does both original music and covers but never Bollywood. I was shocked by the randomness of it... and how much I enjoyed it!
4. Season 4 ending from Sex and the City: This is my absolute favorite episode of the show. It is a beautiful piece of television and the final words left me feeling good. Carrie finds an important friend has moved away before she could properly say goodbye but listens to a favorite song of his and leaves us on a good note.
3. Opening monologue from The Newsroom: This clip is the very first thing you see upon beginning this show. It is raw, honest, and compelling. Note it does feature a curse word or two but it is nothing you cannot handle. It was too compelling to not share.
2. I'm So Lonely from Skins: Sid is reeling from a recent death and Michelle (or chell) is struggling through a tragedy of her own. While out celebrating Chell's birthday with a group of friends, Sid runs off only to be chased by Chell. The scene has only 14 words but manages to convey a wide range of emotions.
1. Season 8 ending of Scrubs: This features MAJOR spoilers. Basically, the main character, JD, is finishing his last day working at Sacred Heart, the hospital the show took place in. He is notorious for having his mind wander and now he is fantasizing about what his future will bring. It features characters from the show and brings the show to a satisfying close. Well, not really, because they made another season afterwards but it was an atrocity so I don't count it. This scene expertly captures the bittersweet feeling of a television show's finale.
Please check out the reviews of all of these shows (not Scrubs... it has yet to be reviewed) and all the other reviews and special posts on this blog.
Thank you for visiting SkyScreening! I hope you enjoyed this post. See you again soon!
Tags: celebration, 1k view celebration, smash, skins, the newsroom, newsroom, Sex and the City, Sex in the City, Scrubs

1 comment:

  1. This is old. The lack of new material upsets me greatly. The flickering light of your talents as a critic shine too brightly for you to let them burn out like this. Oh great mystery "Sky" please grace your faithful audience with more reviews. Gracias.
