The Wolf of Wall Street is distasteful and disgusting but wildly entertaining.
8.5 out of 10
I walked in to the theater thinking I was going to see a movie about the corruption of the finance world. Within 30 seconds, I knew I was getting something else entirely. Wild debauchery and constant bad behavior poured onto the screen and continued for 3 hours. Meet Jordon Belfort, a young man with big ambitions. At the age of 22, he begins his journey by working as a stock broker. He soon learns the business and starts his own with the help of his friends. The movie follows his climb to the top and his fall to the bottom. It is distasteful and vulgar but is interesting all the same. Make no mistake, this movie should not be written off. It is directed by Martin Scorsese so it has to be good right? Well...
What could have been a cautionary tale of Wall Street corruption was instead a showcase of bad behavior. It was almost like someone sat down and said, "Let's make a very inappropriate movie! We can make the characters do A LOT of drugs and feature constant nudity and sexual content. And why not throw in every bad word under the sun!" Indeed, I often felt I was drowning in questionable content. I read that the F-word was said 414 times in this movie... and trust me, that is the least of your concerns. The movie seems to lose its way in all the partying. The woman who sat behind me agreed. At one point I heard her say, "Oh this is disgusting." Indeed, she was correct. I doubt she liked the movie very much. As soon as the credits rolled I turned to my father (I saw the movie with him) and said, "Well, that was interesting!" He turned to me and said, "You cannot blog about this." "Why not?" I asked. He looked me right in the eyes and said, "Because they will arrest me if they knew I took you to this movie." I can assure you my movie attendance was entirely legal but he had a point. I have no idea how this movie was not NC-17. The debauchery is tolerable, even entertaining, in the fist hour but by hour 3 it had lost its sparkle.
All that aside, I did enjoy myself. All 3 hours I was never bored. I always had a smile on my face... even if I was simultaneously rolling my eyes at the screen. With 3 hour movies, problems with pacing are common... not here. Sure they may have wasted time with party scenes but it didn't really affect the pacing. It was shot beautifully and the writing is very well done. The story itself was interesting, albeit predictable. The performances, wonderful. Leonardo DiCaprio was great and very funny. Jonah Hill was very funny. Everybody was funny! The movie was funny! I truly did enjoy it. My only major complaint is the constant explicit content.
It is not for young kids. It is not something you will want to enjoy as a family movie. It is not for the faint of heart. However, The Wolf of Wall Street may satisfy you... just know what you're signing up for.
The Wolf of Wall Street is rated R for sequences of strong sexual content, graphic nudity, drug use and language throughout, and for some violence.
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Tags: comedy, drama, R, recommended, the wolf of wall street, wall street, the wolf,